D.C. District Court Judge Loren AliKhan issued a temporary restraining order on OMB from pausing all federal grants and loans.
The rising opposition to the Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project, a 67-mile, 500-kV transmission line, and general dissatisfaction with PJM and utility grid planning and interconnection policies, are driving new bills in the General Assembly.
Getting storage online in Maryland could be a critical piece of the solutions needed to address the sky-high capacity prices PJM recorded in its most recent auction, according to a panelist at a solar and storage conference.
Proposed regulations to create a benchmarking system and strict carbon emissions levels from buildings of more than 35,000 square feet in Maryland face tough criticism from real estate interests.
Debating the impact of FERC's Rule 1920, Abe Silverman of Johns Hopkins told states to "codify, codify, codify" their energy policy goals and policies to ensure PJM has to take them into account in compliance.
Both D.C. and Maryland have been working on rules to encourage and accelerate the installation of EV chargers, especially at multiunit dwellings and in low-income neighborhoods, as EV sales continue to grow steadily.
Maryland’s gas utilities should consider identifying and sealing leaky pipe joints before building new lines, Energy Administration staff told the PSC.
The OPC petition also warns of the possibility of a gas utility "death spiral" as customers electrify their homes and drop off the system, leaving a diminishing base of customers to cover system costs through higher rates.
Federal regulators completed their environmental review of a wind energy proposal off the Maryland coast, putting the US Wind project in line to be the 10th approved in U.S. waters.
Ten East Coast states signed a memorandum of understanding to set up a framework to coordinate interregional transmission planning and development.
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