New Jersey
A Senate committee endorsed a revision of how clean energy grid connections are funded and advanced bills to give tax credits to help install EV charging stations and retrofit warehouses for rooftop solar.
NJ TRANSIT, New Jersey’s mass transit agency, has abandoned a more than $500 million plan to build a gas-fueled emergency resiliency generator.
The state is moving forward with the Leading Light Wind and Attentive Energy Two projects after the cancellation of Ocean Wind 1 and 2.
Two states with some of the most ambitious offshore wind goals in the nation brought stakeholders together last week, trying to keep things on track in 2024.
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities rejected one grid-scale solar project and supported another, as well as laying the ground work for its fourth offshore wind solicitation.
New Jersey has enacted new remote net metering rules that increase the size and scope of solar projects eligible for the program, but are less ambitious than lawmakers sought.
Lawmakers gave final passage to bills to study geothermal heat pump systems, promote electric vehicle charger installation and require status updates of residential solar systems in home sales.
Clean energy in New Jersey moved forward in 2023 with community solar and Advanced Clean Cars II, and in reverse with the shutdown of the Ocean Wind offshore development.
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities dismissed a citizen petition seeking to reassess the cost to ratepayers of Atlantic Shores, the state's sole offshore wind project in active development.
The bill seeks to accelerate the installation of direct current fast chargers by giving commercial charger operators a break on rates.
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