CAISO Board of Governors
The CAISO Board of Governors approved a set of market rules designed to aid the integration of distributed energy resources and energy storage.
The CAISO Board of Governors approved Tariff measures that will enable the ISO to procure additional black start resources in the San Francisco Bay Area.
CAISO is developing a plan for an Aug. 21 solar eclipse that will sharply reduce the state's solar power for three hours on a Monday morning in summer.
The CAISO Board of Governors approved an ISO request to designate two Calpine natural gas-fired plants as reliability-must-run (RMR) despite criticism.
The CAISO Board of Governors approved a measure investing the board with complete oversight authority over the grid operator’s internal Market Monitor.
The CAISO Board approved a generator interconnection plan designed to prevent smaller transmission owners from footing the costs for network upgrades.
CAISO may curtail a massive amount of renewable energy this spring when increased solar output is expected to coincide with increased hydropower.
The CAISO Board of Governors approved the membership of GridLiance after their purchase of the Valley Electric Association’s 230-kV transmission network.
The Western Energy Imbalance Market featured prominently in two proposals approved by the CAISO Board of Governors during its Dec. 15 meeting.
The CAISO Board of Governors approved a 2017 budget that includes a $4.3 million increase in spending but no corresponding rise in revenue requirement.
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