March 10, 2025

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

© RTO Insider
CAISO Names Bonneville Power Administrator as New CEO
CAISO named the head of BPA as its new chief Thursday, a move that could help further the expansion of the Western EIM and increase its regional influence.
FERC Ends Idaho Power MBRA Probe
FERC found Idaho Power had satisfied standards for market-based rate authority and terminated a proceeding it had ordered to find out if the utility was exercising market power in its BAA.
EDAM Design Could Undermine Tx Rights, Critics Say
The proposed expansion of CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market to a day-ahead market won’t be as voluntary as advertised, some stakeholders are arguing.
CAISO Proposal Sets Course for EIM Day-ahead
CAISO issued a proposal outlining the leading edge of its plan to bring day-ahead trading to the Western Energy Imbalance Market.
CAISO Briefs Western EIM on Hybrid Resources
CAISO presented the Western Energy Imbalance Market’s Governing Body its plan for accommodating hybrid generation and storage resources.
FERC Clarifies Western EIM Order
FERC reaffirmed its rejection of a proposed net export limit to help the Western EIM avoid unintended consequences of market power mitigation.
Manmade Methane Could Replace Natural Gas, Backers say
Backers of manufactured methane say it could replace natural gas and help California meet its goal of 100% carbon neutrality by midcentury.
Western EIM Governing Body Hears COVID-19 Updates
The pandemic has curtailed electricity demand and made it challenging for new entities to go live with the Western EIM, but recent activations went well.
Why 4 Colorado Utilities Joined CAISO EIM, not SPP WEIS
Four Colorado utilities decided to join CAISO’s Energy Imbalance Market instead of SPP’s Western Energy Imbalance Service because of the economic benefits.
Western RTOs ‘Imperative,’ Says Retiring CAISO CEO
In an interview with RTO Insider at CAISO’s headquarters, outgoing CEO Steve Berberich talked about Western regionalization and his impending retirement.

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