March 10, 2025

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

Study Gauges Reliability Benefits of EIM Day-ahead
Preliminary findings from a WECC study indicate inclusion of day-ahead trading in the EIM will yield reliability benefits that outweigh any expected risks.
EIM Governance Review Committee Now Scoping
The Governance Review Committee of CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market continued laying out the parameters of its big job this year.
EIM Reports $60M in Q4 Benefits
CAISO’s Western EIM delivered more than $60 million in benefits to its participants in the fourth quarter of 2019, bringing the total to $862 million.
Western EIM Fills Last Board Vacancy
The EIM Governing Body approved the selection of Robert Kondziolka, formerly with Salt River Project, to fill the seat left vacant by Travis Kavulla.
PG&E Turmoil Will Occupy West Again in 2020
PG&E's bankruptcy looks likely to continue through the first half of 2020, while CAISO seeks to expand its EIM and meet reliability requirements.
EIM Lands Xcel, Three Other Colorado Utilities
Xcel Energy, Black Hills Colorado Electric, Colorado Springs Utilities and Platte River Power Authority announced they will join CAISO's EIM.
EIM Stakeholders Cool to Transmission Feasibility Rules
EIM stakeholders reacted coolly to a proposal by Utah’s Deseret Power Electric Cooperative to tighten the market’s rules on transmission feasibility.
EIM Entrants Cite Changing West as Motivation for Joining
CAISO’s EIM Governing Body and Regional Issues Forum heard from Modesto Irrigation District, Tacoma Power and Turlock Irrigation District.
Western EIM Benefits Top $800 Million
CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market posted more than $801 million in benefits for its participants after five years of reporting quarterly results.
Tx Summit Explores California’s Link to Rest of West
The often tense relationship between California and other Western states occupied much of this year’s Transmission Summit West.

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