March 11, 2025

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

Customers Probe BPA on EIM Impact
BPA dispelled lingering doubts about its intent to join the Western EIM, but will take time to address stakeholders about how the move will affect them.
CAISO OKs EIM Governance Review
Leaders of CAISO and its EIM established a panel to update the EIM’s governance as the real-time market grows and likely adds day-ahead bidding.
Patchwork of Carbon Policies Troubles Western EIM
A carbon workshop hosted by the EIM underscored how West Coast and Intermountain states can be uneasy partners in CAISO’s real-time market.
BPA Marches Toward EIM Membership
The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) took another step toward membership in the Western EIM when it kicked off a monthlong public comment process.
CAISO Defers Day-ahead, SATA Initiatives
CAISO is postponing stakeholder initiatives on day-ahead market enhancements and storage-as-transmission assets, while adding four new initiatives.
Turlock Irrigation District to Join Western EIM
CAISO said that Turlock Irrigation District, California’s oldest irrigation district, signed an agreement to join the Energy Imbalance Market in April 2021.
Tucson Electric Power Signs up for Western EIM
The Western Energy Imbalance Market chalked up another future member after Tucson Electric Power signed an agreement saying it will join in April 2022.
PG&E Departure Leaves EIM Vacancy
The CAISO Energy Imbalance Market's Governing Body will search for a candidate to replace Kristine Schmidt after she resigned earlier this month.
SMUD Goes Live in Western EIM
The Western Energy Imbalance Market continued expanding as the Sacramento Municipal Utility District became the first publicly-owned utility to begin participating in CAISO’s real-time electricity market for the West.
PNM’s Bid to Join Western EIM Gets Approved in Part
The New Mexico PRC granted two approvals PNM requested to join CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market, but denied one concession the utility deemed key.

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