March 14, 2025

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

EIM Leaders Endorse CAISO Gas Constraint Measure
EIM leaders endorsed a CAISO proposal that would allow the ISO to constrain output from natural gas-fired plants across the market.
CAISO Monitor Says EIM Bid Limits No Longer Needed
Energy transfer capacity in the EIM footprint is now sufficient to justify removing bid limits that are in effect for some members, the CAISO Monitor says.
EIM Members Seek More Details on GHG Accounting Plan
EIM participants are generally supportive of CAISO's plan to account for greenhouse gas emissions of external resources but requested more info.
Jan Smutny-Jones: 30 Years of Power
As CEO of the Independent Energy Producers Association, Jan Smutny-Jones has had a front-row seat in the California energy debate since 1987.
Qualified Support for CAISO Gas Constraint Plan
Stakeholders are cautiously supportive of CAISO’s proposal to permanently assume authority to limit output from gas-fired generators in emergencies.
Monitor, Stakeholders Question EIM Changes
CAISO's Monitor said the ISO must address flaws in its proposal to allow third-party transmission providers to make unused capacity available to the EIM.
Consolidated EIM Proposal Effort Gets Underway
CAISO has begun seeking comment from participants in the Western Energy Imbalance Market on three modifications it’s proposing to make to the market.
CAISO Proposes Consolidated EIM Changes
CAISO is kicking off an initiative that will consolidate proposed changes to the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).
Los Angeles Dept. of Water Power Signs Pact to Join EIM
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is the 11th utility to announce plans to participate in the CAISO-run Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).
Powerex Slated to Become First Non-US EIM Member
Powerex has signed an agreement with CAISO to become the first non-U.S. participant in the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).

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