October 1, 2024

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

Arizona Public Service, Puget Sound Energy Enter EIM Testing Phase
Arizona Public Service and Puget Sound Energy have moved a step closer to linking up with CAISO’s Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).
Fort Churchill Generating Station, NVEnergy
CAISO, ARB to Address Imbalance Market Carbon Leakage
CAISO provided stakeholders an update on its efforts to address Air Resources Board (ARB) concerns that the EIM is not properly accounting for the impact of emissions.
EIM Report Shows Continued Growth in CAISO Exports
The western Energy Imbalance Market continued to boost demand for California’s surplus renewable generation last quarter.
Revised Western RTO Governance Plan Highlights State Authority
CAISO released a revised set of principles for governing a Western RTO in a bid to convince skeptics that an expanded ISO will be amenable to the entire region.
Utah Bill Would Require Legislative OK for PacifiCorp RTO Membership
Utah lawmakers plan to draft a bill requiring PacifiCorp to gain legislative approval before joining an RTO based on an expanded CAISO.
Study Touts Benefits of CAISO Expansion
A study suggests CAISO’s expansion into a multistate RTO could save Western ratepayers billions while helping meet emission-reduction goals.
FERC Order Prods CAISO to Allow EIM Intertie Bidding
FERC rejected the CAISO proposal to prohibit EIM participants from implementing economic bidding at the market’s external interties.
CAISO Board Appoints Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body
The CAISO Board of Governors appointed five members to the newly established governing body of the western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).
Governance Plan Fails to Dispel Western RTO Concerns
CAISO stepped up efforts to convert skeptics of a Western RTO, convening a forum in Denver to discuss a proposed set of governing principles.
PGE to Shut Down Diablo Canyon, California’s Last Nuclear Plant
PG&E (NYSE:PCG) will shut down Diablo Canyon, CA’s last nuclear power plant under an agreement with environmental, labor and anti-nuclear coalition.

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