Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT)

Texas Water Development Board
Abbott Fills out Texas PUC with 5th Member
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott appointed long-time ExxonMobil employee Kathleen Jackson to the PUC, bringing the agency to its full complement of commissioners.
ERCOT, PUC Say Texas Ready for Summer
Texas grid leaders met with reporters to once again allay concerns about ERCOT’s management of the state’s electric supply.
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PUC Selects Firm to Aid in ERCOT’s Market Redesign
The Texas PUC selected consulting firm E3 to help it review and analyze new designs for ERCOT’s wholesale market structure.
Texas Officials Complete Critical Infrastructure Map
A Texas committee has completed the first map of the state’s critical infrastructure for use during disasters and emergency preparedness and response.
Broad Reach Power
Developers Push Texas PUC on Distribution-level Storage
Some 67 GW of energy storage sitting in ERCOT’s interconnection queue poses a problem regulators and developers are working to address.
Texas Tribune
Texas PUC Pushed on Reliability Charges
ERCOT’s conservative use of reliability unit commitments to procure standby reserves since last year’s winter storm is under question.
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Overheard at Infocast’s ERCOT Market Summit 2022
Texas PUC Chair Peter Lake addressed the “ambiguity” over the second round of changes at ERCOT addressing shortfalls in the grid’s performance.
Admin Monitor
Texas PUC Pushes ERCOT on Market Changes
The Texas PUC expressed concern that ERCOT is not moving quickly enough to implement the many changes to the market directed by the state legislature.
Xcel Energy
ERCOT, PUC Say Grid is Ready for Winter Weather
ERCOT and Texas regulators and politicians say the grid is ready for severe winter weather this time, but some stakeholders aren't so sure.
ERCOT Reports Optimistic About Coming Winter
ERCOT broke its silence on social media when it tweeted the release of its semiannual report that provides a 10-year forecast of its planning reserve margins.

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