ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
ERCOT stakeholders endorsed the first batch of key principles that will lay the foundation for implementation of real-time co-optimization in the market.
ERCOT in April set new monthly generation records for its wind and solar fleets, producing 7,148 GWh and 408 GWh, respectively.
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee’s leadership has canceled the committee’s April 24 meeting because of a “limited number of items to be considered.”
ERCOT staff warned that forward energy markets indicate high prices this summer, which could lead to unexpected increases in credit obligations.
ERCOT market participants grilled staff over the grid operator’s requests duriing an early March cold-weather event that did not require emergency actions.
ERCOT's Technical Advisory Committee tabled a request to lower the grid operator’s peaker net margin threshold pending further direction from the Texas PUC.
ERCOT stakeholders moved to address the Texas grid’s growing pains by tweaking the system’s ancillary service offerings, which predate 2010.
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee endorsed a staff suggestion to increase by 50% the boundary thresholds used to project future loads in Far West Texas.
ERCOT has distributed its membership applications and agreements for 2019, recommending that entities interested in joining the grid operator do so well in advance of Nov. 9.
ERCOT stakeholders granted Southern Cross Transmission’s request to create a new market participant category for DC tie operators after months of inaction.
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