September 29, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
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Will Glick’s Departure Mean More On-time FERC Meetings?
FERC meetings began an average of almost 42 minutes late during Richard Glick’s chairmanship — the longest of the seven commission chairs since 2010.
Niskanen Center
FERC Considers Interregional Transfer Requirements
In a workshop, FERC commissioners and stakeholders debated the pros and cons of requiring minimum transfer capability between regions to promote reliability.
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Who Will Control the Political Narrative on IRA Implementation?
Republicans and Democrats shared their ideas for the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Policy Forum.
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Manchin Presses Permitting Proposal Excluded from Defense Bill
Sen. Joe Manchin is pressing on with his controversial permitting proposal after it was excluded from a must-pass defense authorization bill.
FERC Approves PJM Tariff Revisions for SAA Cost Allocation
FERC approved revisions to PJM’s tariff that assign the costs of necessary transmission upgrades for installation of offshore wind in New Jersey to the state.
Solar Industry Slams Commerce Decision Extending Solar Tariffs
The Commerce Dept. issued a preliminary decision that may extend tariffs on solar components imported from companies in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand & Vietnam.
Great Plains Institute
FERC Must Clarify MISO Transmission Funding Decision, DC Circuit Finds
FERC must better explain its decision to give MISO TOs unilateral authority to finance upgrades needed to interconnect generation, the D.C. Circuit said.
Earth Quaker Action Team
Red State AGs Challenge Vanguard Climate Activism
Red state AGs asked FERC to reject Vanguard’s request for a waiver allowing it to acquire large stakes in utilities, citing Vanguard’s climate activism.
Klamath River Renewal Corporation
Klamath Dams Set for Removal After FERC OKs Delicensing
FERC approved the Lower Klamath Project's license surrender, setting the stage for the largest dam removal and salmon restoration effort in U.S. history.
FERC Enforcement Continues to Ramp up Activity
FERC approved 11 settlements that resulted in market participants paying a total of about $57.52 million in penalties and disgorgements for alleged violations.

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