September 30, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: June 7, 2022
PJM's stakeholders discussed reserve requirements, a new committee on interconnection processes, DOE's Transmission Facilitation Program and OSW transmission.
LS Power
Stakeholder Soapbox: Coherence over Chaos: Choosing the Right Path for Energy Decarbonization
LS Power seeks a measured phaseout of natural gas generation, saying an immediate switch to carbon-free sources will cause chaos and undermine climate efforts.
MISO Stakeholders Protest RTO’s Order 2222 Implementation Timeline
Stakeholder groups, including state regulators, protested MISO’s FERC Order 2222 compliance filing, many indignant over the request to delay implementation.
Biden Waives Tariffs on Key Solar Imports for 2 Years
Responding to pleas from solar developers, President Biden ordered a two-year tariff waiver on PV components from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
FERC Continues Ordering Refunds from 2020 Heat Event
FERC ordered two more sellers to issue refunds for excess prices earned in the August 2020 Western heat wave event.
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Granholm Discusses Net-zero Tech at ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit
Leaders in energy innovation from across the U.S. traveled to Denver last week to participate in ARPA-E’s 2022 Energy Innovation Summit.
Unlocking the Queue with Grid-Enhancing Technologies, The Brattle Group
Counterflow: Transmission and Technology
In attempting to increase grid capacity and renewables, FERC's transmission NOPR is pushing the wrong set of technologies, contends columnist Steve Huntoon.
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Overheard at Grid Enhancing Technologies Summit
Grid-enhancing technologies took center stage last week at a WATT Coalition summit on ways to wring efficiencies out of existing transmission facilities.
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Siting Is New England’s Biggest Tx Challenge, Say Region’s Energy Leaders
FERC's transmission NOPR will provide a "positive framework" said Eversource's Bill Quinlan.
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Biden to Re-nominate Glick as FERC Chair
President Biden said he will nominate FERC Chair Richard Glick for another five-year term. If confirmed, Glick could be on the commission well into 2027.

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