FERC & Federal
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities.
The gas industry said FERC's permitting policies could chill development while an environmentalist called the agency's decisions “lazy” during an EBA panel.
Bipartisan efforts to craft a response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are threatening tax breaks for renewables and storage, a former Senate aide told EBA.
Legal challenges to the PJM MOPR do not just concern the RTO and its capacity market; they could set a precedent for how courts review tie votes at FERC.
DOE is seeking comment on how it should implement the “anchor tenant” and revolving loan transmission programs created by the bipartisan infrastructure law.
SPP has filed a request with FERC that the commission take immediate action in a dispute between the RTO and AECI over charges from the February 2021 storm.
FERC and state regulators embraced cluster studies but gave mixed reviews to fast-track processing as potential solutions to clogged interconnection queues.
The second half of the third meeting of FERC and NARUC's Joint Task Force on Electric Transmission focused on cost allocation for network upgrades.
NiSource will postpone retirement of an Indiana coal plant because of the Commerce Dept.'s probe into tariff evasion by Chinese importers of solar components.
Expansion of the transmission grid to accommodate decarbonization will require humility from developers and support by states, speakers told an AEE webinar.
The Western EIM took on BPA and Tucson Electric Power as new participants, marking the market’s largest single expansion since its founding.
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