FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
DTE Energy
EPA, FERC Hear from Stakeholders on Reliability
Both EPA and FERC received comments on how reliability can be maintained under the former’s power plant rule that requires fossil fuel-fired units to curtail their emissions.
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FERC Picks ‘Balance Sheet Approach’ Exit Fee for Tri-State Members
FERC issued an order ending a couple years of litigation over what Tri-State can charge its exiting members, picking a "Balance Sheet Approach" initially proposed by departing member United Power and then modified by commission staff.
FERC Urges SPP Stakeholder Process on Tx Cost Allocation Change
FERC commissioners urged SPP to conduct a stakeholder process to vet a proposal to socialize “byway” transmission on a case-by-case basis.
D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
PSC Takes FERC Back to Court Over NYISO’s 17-Year Amortization
The New York PSC asked a federal appeals court to overturn FERC’s approval of NYISO’s 17-year amortization period in its installed capacity market.
Transmission Expansion Runs into an Old Debate: Planning vs. Markets
Market Monitors Joe Bowring and David Patton have doubts about the wisdom of large-scale transmission expansions, warning they may crowd out market solutions.
ISO/RTOs Oppose Call for Capacity Accreditation Tech Conference
A call for FERC to run a technical conference on capacity accreditation ran into a mixed reception, with the ISO/RTO Council saying it is too regional of an issue for the idea to have an impact.
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What are National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors and Why Do We Need Them?
A primer on DOE's proposal for creating National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.
FERC Sets Niagara Mohawk Transmission Rate for Hearings
FERC set Niagara Mohawk's proposal to recover its small share of a larger public policy for hearings, as it was unable to determine whether the rate was just and reasonable.
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Plan for GOP President: Cut Climate Programs, ‘Re-examine’ RTOs
If ex-FERC Commissioner Bernard McNamee has his way, the next president will eliminate the federal government’s climate programs and have FERC “reexamine” RTOs.  

FERC Briefs: Orders Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing
A summary of FERC orders explaining why it denied rehearing request, which are automatically deemed denied unless the commission acts within 30 days.

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