Capacity Market
PJM is “confident” it will meet FERC’s deadline for resolving pricing and dispatch misalignment issues in its fast-start pricing proposal.
Some 375 people registered for Raab Associates’ 165th New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable, held online in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Retail-choice states wanting to reduce their reliance on RTO capacity markets need to improve how their retail markets handle resource procurement.
PJM plans to hold the next Base Residual Auction about six months after they receive FERC approval of its compliance filing implementing the expanded MOPR.
FERC's Neil Chatterjee and Bernard McNamee reversed the commission’s order correcting a key calculation in evaluating ISO-NE’s capacity delist bids.
Dominion asked FERC to reconsider its conclusion self-supply resources suppress PJM capacity prices, saying it is inconsistent with an exemption in NYISO.
MISO might revise and refile a failed proposal designed to set penalties for non-capacity resources that exercise market power through physical withholding.
MISO is preparing to make two resource adequacy filings with FERC aimed at making its capacity resources more readily available.
The need for gas peakers and electric transmission and the increasing popularity of hybrid storage projects were recurrent topics at the ACORE Policy Forum.
ISO-NE and NEPOOL stakeholders are collaborating to study market and reliability issues the region will face as it decarbonizes over the next decades.
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