Capacity Market
Transmission owners asked PJM to convene a meeting with stakeholders and produce a schedule that allows for time between FERC’s decision and the next BRAs.
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee discussed ISO-NE’s Energy Security Improvements proposal, with a focus on day-ahead ancillary services.
MISO is planning a spring filing with FERC to implement a payment structure for resources that re-energize islanded areas of the grid following a blackout.
MISO's Resource Adequacy Subcommittee discussed delaying deliverability requirement changes, limiting extended planned outages and deadlines for the PRA.
The New England Power Pool Participants Committee voted narrowly not to approve ISO-NE’s recommended installed capacity requirement values for FCA 14.
The results of ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Auction 13 became effective “by operation of law” because FERC was unable to muster a quorum.
FERC Commissioner Richard Glick gave a keynote speech at the Annual Gas and Power Institute in Houston, where he discussed the tension at the commission.
ERCOT staffers and stakeholders gathered to hear advice from the RTOs that have already implemented real-time co-optimization in their markets.
PJM told stakeholders all deadlines for upcoming capacity auctions will be suspended pending FERC action on the RTO’s proposed revisions to its capacity market.
NEPOOL’s Reliability Committee did not endorse ISO-NE’s installed capacity requirement values, as the Generation and Supplier sectors voted in opposition.
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