Ancillary Services

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PJM MIC Briefs: April. 12, 2023
The PJM Market Implementation Committee overwhelmingly voted to endorse manual revisions to put limits on when generators can submit real-time values.
ERCOT Looking to ORDC Changes, Ancillary Services as Bridge to PCM
ERCOT is looking at a revised operating reserve demand curve and additional ancillary services to bridge the proposed performance credit mechanism.
Texas PUC Appeals Court’s Decision on Uri Transactions
The Texas PUC has asked the state’s Texas Supreme Court to overturn a recent appeals court ruling that could unwind market transactions during Winter Storm Uri.
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ERCOT’s Vegas Makes His Case for PCM
ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas endorsed the PUC's performance credit mechanism, saying it will incent new and preserve existing dispatchable generation.
NEPOOL MC Gives OK to Inventoried Energy Program Tweaks
NEPOOL's Markets Committee approved changes to the Inventoried Energy Program intended to get the winter reliability program in line with global energy markets.
Alliant Energy
FERC Ends MISO Compensation for Reactive Power Supply
FERC approved MISO’s Transmission Owners’ request to eliminate reactive power compensation for generators, cutting a $220 million annual revenue requirement.
Solar Trade Group Challenges MISO Ban on Renewable Ancillary Services
The Solar Energy Industries Association lodged a complaint at FERC against MISO’s practice of blocking intermittent resources from its ancillary service market.
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Stakeholders Weigh in on RTOs’ Responses to Changing System Needs
RTO stakeholders presented FERC with a cornucopia of suggestions for dealing with electrification and the increasing penetration of renewables.
Fletcher, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE Outlines More of Plans for Capacity Accreditation, DA Ancillary Services
ISO-NE continued to elaborate its proposed methods for de-rating gas resources in the winter, when there may be challenges getting fuel.
ERCOT Survives One Test, Faces Another
ERCOT survived a record-breaking summer and a pre-Christmas winter storm, but now it must gain lawmakers' approval of a new market design.

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