October 16, 2024

Energy Market

SPP Board of Directors and Members Committee Briefs
Less than a year after enjoying a 2-cent reduction in SPP’s administrative fee, the RTO’s members are now facing the prospect of a 4-cent hike for 2017.
Little Love for PJM in Capacity Market Debate
The PJM Capacity Performance rules got little love during a NARUC panel discussion on the role of states versus markets in procuring electric generation.
Akins: AEP Wants Only Partial Restructuring of Ohio Market
American Electric Power CEO Nick Akins said last week that AEP is seeking only a partial “restructuring” of Ohio’s energy market.
EIM Report Shows Continued Growth in CAISO Exports
The western Energy Imbalance Market continued to boost demand for California’s surplus renewable generation last quarter.
Exelon’s Constellation to Buy Con Ed’s Retail Operation
Exelon is buying the Consolidated Edison (Con Ed) retail energy business as it continues its efforts to hedge against falling wholesale power prices.
Governance Plan Critics Urge Slowdown of Western RTO Development
Critics say CAISO is moving too quickly in its effort to get a plan for a Western RTO to California lawmakers before legislative session's end.
New York ESCO Order Vacated by Court
A New York judge vacated the NY PSC February “reset order” that sought to overhaul the businesses practices of retail energy suppliers.
Commenters Laud, Blast New York’s Nuclear Subsidy Plan
The New York  Public Service Commission (NYPSC) closed the comment period on the cost of the plan’s zero-emission credits for nuclear power plants.
CAISO: Forecasting Challenges Drove Increased Regulation Requirements
CAISO  provided an explanation of its decision to increase regulation requirements in response to the growing variability on its system.
SPP Sets New Record for Peak Load — Twice
SPP’s first summer since the Integrated System joined its system last year has resulted in a new record for peak load.

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