Energy Market
MISO’s ongoing market platform replacement project is focusing on a one-stop model manager, new energy management system and day-ahead market clearing engine.
FERC turned down another set of challenges to the Southeast Energy Exchange Market filed by environmental, clean energy and consumer groups.
At a quarterly review of markets, MISO said an increasingly precarious load-supply balance is here to stay.
Sellers of spot electricity deliveries that exceed the Western price cap will now have more time to submit the FERC filing required to justify higher prices.
In a show-cause order, FERC ordered Southern Company to either rewrite its formula rate protocols or explain why it shouldn't have to.
The NYISO BIC heard the ISO's monthly operations report and recommended tariff revisions updating bid production cost guarantee payment provisions.
MISO is seeking final stakeholder opinions before it makes an April filing to comply with FERC’s directive that RTOs open wholesale markets to DER aggregations.
The Rocky Mountain chapter of the Energy Bar Association hosted a panel to discuss the intricacies of creating an organized market in the West.
MISO warned about possible maximum generation emergencies should high load and high outages collide this spring.
PJM presented an updated proposal addressing start-up cost offer development to the MIC after being sent back to a subcommittee for more work.
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