Energy Market
PJM's upcoming 2023/24 BRA is set to be delayed again after FERC partially reversed its 2020 decision on the RTO’s energy price formation revisions.
The ICAP/MIWG discussed rising energy prices, Order 2222 compliance, dynamically scheduling reserves and keeping critical infrastructure out of DR programs.
Texas regulators on Thursday pushed ahead with a market re-design strawman, issuing directives to ERCOT to work with PUC staff in implementing the changes.
The NEPOOL Markets Committee will vote in January on two proposals to modify ISO-NE’s generator retirement rules.
ERCOT's new Board of Directors met publicly for the first time since February's winter storm and assured its audience that a new sheriff is in town.
FERC turned down a rehearing request submitted by opponents of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market, saying they should have filed it earlier.
C&I customers in California and PJM could reduce their emissions much more by procuring carbon-free electricity hour by hour, according to a new
The NEPOOL Markets Committee approved ISO-NE’s proposed compliance filing to implement FERC Order 2222.
MISO raised alarm bells about soaring forced outages should a severe arctic blast descend on the footprint this winter.
Texas regulators have settled on a two-phase blueprint to redesign the ERCOT market and have given stakeholders until Friday to comment on their proposals.
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