Energy Market
The Texas PUC began hearings over ERCOT's request for a pair of debt-obligation orders to finance $2.9 billion incurred during the February winter storm.
Energy prices in PJM increased “significantly” in the first half of 2021 compared to 2020, but prices remained lower than historical levels, the IMM reported.
The PJM MIC OKd changes on fast-start pricing, 5-minute dispatch, solar-battery hybrids and an issue charge over energy efficiency in the capacity market.
Low hydro output, a summer heat wave and high prices during evening ramps helped boost CAISO’s load-serving costs by 3% last year despite lower gas prices.
Members of the proposed Southeast Energy Exchange Market answered FERC's latest deficiency letter and urged the commission not to delay approval.
The New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE) presented its “Advancing the Vision” report to the NEPOOL Participants Committee.
MISO said FERC's refusal to grant a delay on Order 841 compliance means it must roll out a storage participation model twice on old and new market platforms.
SPP released a comprehensive report on the week of February's severe winter storm, calling it the most operationally challenging week in its 80-year history.
ERCOT stakeholders pushed back against interim CEO Brad Jones’ plan to convert TAC into an officer-level group and the increased use of ancillary services.
Ex-ERCOT director Peter Cramton still has high hopes for the Texas grid operator, which he says is still 'the best market in the world.'
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