PJM and its Monitor presented a joint proposal to rework the balancing operating reserve credit structure to address a scenario they say results in generators receiving uplift payments despite not following dispatch orders.
MISO will waste no time in 2025 trying to blunt the threat of a shortage that could arrive in the summer months by encouraging new generation and enacting further resource adequacy measures.
Two initiatives that have bedeviled discussion at NYISO committees in the last few weeks of the year reared their heads again at the final Budget Priorities Working Group meeting of the year.
During its last meeting of the year, the NYISO Management Committee approved two proposals that would institute a new design for the reserve market and alter a calculation used in the regulation service market.
The NYISO Business Issues Committee tabled a proposal to levy financial penalties against consistently underperforming generators in the reserve market.
MISO expects its in-service solar capacity to grow to 12 GW by the end of winter, a 50% increase over its existing fleet.
PJM's Adam Keech told the Market Implementation Committee the RTO plans to file governing document revisions with FERC to expand the requirement that resources must offer into the capacity market to also apply to all resources holding capacity interconnection rights.
The PJM Operating Committee endorsed a pair of manual revisions, updating definitions to be more clear and approving a quick fix proposal.
NYISO stakeholders expressed skepticism of an ISO proposal to levy financial penalties against underperforming generators, saying it was not developed enough to be voted upon by the end of the year.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee voted to endorse a proposal to create an expedited process to study some interconnection requests.
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