MISO Board of Directors

MISO Proposes 2020 Spending Increase, Static Rates
MISO will not seek an increase in Tariff rates in 2020 despite proposed spending increases.
Task Team: Boost Member Role in MISO Board Selection
A special task team is suggesting that MISO revise its Board of Directors selection rules to give stakeholders a more consequential voice in board makeup.
MISO Board of Directors Briefs: Sept. 18, 2019
Google gained a foothold in the MISO system as the RTO’s Board of Directors approved a subsidiary’s membership application.
MISO Readies MTEP 19, Debates Futures Change
MISO staff are done assembling the RTO’s 2019 Transmission Expansion Plan, presenting a nearly $4 billion draft package to the Board of Directors.
MISO Seeks Market Changes After Meek Summer
The MISO footprint didn’t come close to its forecasted summertime peak, but ways to improve resource adequacy were on the minds of those at Board Week.
Task Team Zeroes in on MISO Board Recommendations
The MISO Board Qualification Task Team examining changes to how MISO selects its Board of Directors is closing in on a set of recommendations.
MISO Board Committee OKs Seams Study Funding
The MISO Board of Directors’ Markets Committee agreed to fund the RTO’s share of its seams coordination analysis with SPP.
MISO Monitor Poses 6 New Market Recommendations
MISO's Market Monitor David Patton produced six new market recommendations as part of his 2018 State of the Market report.
MISO Keeps Cards Close on Market Platform Details
MISO would only discuss GE’s performance in the Technology Committee’s closed session because the RTO is negotiating contracts with multiple vendors.
MISO Board of Director Briefs: June 20, 2019
The empty chair at MISO Board of Directors meetings should be filled by fall, stakeholders learned during the RTO’s quarterly Board Week.

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