MISO Board of Directors
Just three of MISO’s 11 member sectors voted to support the RTO’s $9 billion 2023 Transmission Expansion Plan.
Amid the Independent Market Monitor’s denunciation of MISO’s fleet assumptions for long-term transmission plans, lead planners defended their approach to planning for 2040.
The MISO Board of Directors addressed adding a former Ford executive to its ranks and MISO's proposed, nearly $400 million 2024 budget.
MISO officials said they probably could have held off their decision to call a summertime emergency in late August.
MISO’s lead planners told the Board of Directors that more expensive annual Transmission Expansion Plans will become the norm, saying MTEP 23’s $9.4 billion package is a sign of future scattershot load growth in the footprint.
MISO’s quarterly Board Week explored the reasons behind its growing number of generation projects that have the stamp of approval to connect to the system but remain unbuilt.
MISO’s IMM debuted five new recommendations as part of his annual State of the Market Report, as multiple suggestions were aimed at maximizing transmission utilization by clamping down on wind-related congestion.
The clean energy organizer for the Alliance for Affordable Energy said there’s a lack of accessibility within MISO for individual ratepayers to make their opinions heard on grid decisions that affect them.
A comfortable result for MISO's 2023/24 auction does not guarantee sufficient capacity during the coming summer, executives said.
MISO membership and executives last week discussed how to hasten the construction of more than 40 GW of generation projects that have permission to connect to the grid but haven’t been built.
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