MISO Market Subcommittee (MSC)
MISO will not implement improved combined cycle modeling until it has a new market platform in place.
MISO’s Steering Committee submitted eight new possible market improvement ideas to the Market Subcommittee for stakeholder discussion.
Stakeholders said they foresee MISO making multiple changes to its markets to accommodate energy storage in response to FERC Order 841.
MISO technical staff are currently devoting time to improving the nonpublic webpages the RTO uses to accept energy bids and offers.
MISO said it has concluded that a short-term capacity reserve product would be cost-effective and beneficial to reliability.
MISO detailed its spring readiness and said there’s a small possibility of emergency conditions.
MISO is scaling back a proposal to develop a multiday market, opting instead to create multiday forecasts.
MISO is proposing to set limits on the amount of time its members have to initiate alternative dispute resolution measures.
MISO is seeking stakeholder suggestions on how it can improve its market design under its Market Roadmap process.
Market participants have united to develop a trio of alternatives to MISO’s plan to crack down on generators that fail to follow dispatch instructions.
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