MISO Market Subcommittee (MSC)

MISO Breaks down Recent Cold Snap
While the high load and generation outages followed the pattern of the polar vortex, MISO managed to keep prices stable and maintain better reliability.
MISO Researching 30-Minute Reserves, Multiday Commitments
MISO’s market planners outlined a potential 30-minute reserve product to reduce uplift and multiday generator commitments to cut production costs.
Ameren Calls for Milder MISO Response to Uninstructed Deviations
Ameren Missouri is urging MISO to scrap a newly proposed process for identifying when generators deviate from dispatch instructions.
3-Degree Forecast Error Triggered MISO September Emergency
MISO officials said a temperature forecast short by just 3 degrees Fahrenheit triggered a maximum generation event Sept. 22.
DOE ‘Resiliency’ Must Respect Planning, Research, MISO Says
MISO previewed its comments to FERC in response to Rick Perry’s proposal to allow “resilient” resources with a 90-day on-site supply of fuel.
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MISO to Address FERC Query on Constrained Areas
MISO will file a response to FERC’s recent deficiency letter on the RTO’s new constrained area category after an internal review.
Early Analysis Favors MISO Use of Multi-Day Commitments
MISO’s preliminary analysis of implementing multi-day unit commitments shows the project may be worthwhile.
MISO Members Seek Delay on Five-Minute Settlements
MISO is considering stakeholders’ request that it seek a second extension on FERC’s deadline for introducing five-minute settlements.
MISO Invites Feedback on Plan to Curb Dispatch Deviations
MISO is seeking stakeholder feedback on its proposal to crack down on generators that fail to follow dispatch instructions.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs: Aug. 10, 2017
MISO stakeholders laid out what they think are the top issues the RTO should tackle in the next year.

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