MISO Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)

MISO Mulls Rules for Storage as Transmission
MISO is probing what eligibility requirements it should establish before allowing energy storage resources to function as transmission assets.
MISO Nixes LSE Load Forecast Plan
MISO has called off a proposal to rely on data from its load-serving entities to compile its own long-term load forecast.
MISO Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: June 13, 2018
MISO is moving ahead with a plan to address delays in its interconnection queue by making generation owners more accountable for site control.
MISO Renewable Study Predicts Later Peak, Narrower LOLE Risk
Increased renewable power integration will shift the peak load in MISO to evening hours, with a spikier but shorter daily loss-of-load risk.
MISO Rebuts NERC Findings on Gas Risks
MISO challenged a 2017 NERC assessment that found two areas in the RTO would challenges during a disruption of natural gas delivery.
© RTO Insider
Stakeholders Mull BTM Impact on MISO Tx Planning
Stakeholders are asking MISO to consider changing its billing practices to reflect how behind-the-meter (BTM) resources use the transmission system.
MISO Plan Provides Tx Treatment for HVDC Lines
MISO and its stakeholders have agreed on a plan to treat merchant HVDC lines as transmission instead of generation.
MISO: Minimal Change to 2019 Tx Planning Futures
MISO expects the 15-year future scenarios informing its 2019 Transmission Expansion Plan to look much like those for 2018.
MISO Plans Interregional Improvements with SPP
MISO is weighing how it can improve its interregional process and joint operating agreement with SPP to make it easier to develop cross-seams projects.
MISO Fast-Tracks ATC Foxconn Project Review
MISO will expedite review of a proposal to interconnect the massive Foxconn electronics plant ahead of the RTO’s usual year-end approval schedule.

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