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The New York Independent System Operator Inc., a not-for-profit regional transmission owner, is responsible for operating New York's bulk electrical grid, administering the state's wholesale electricity markets, maintaining grid stability, and ensuring the reliability and planning of the state's bulk energy system.
NYISO stakeholders continued their criticism of the ISO’s effort to improve its demand response programs, saying it has inadequately addressed their concerns.
After four rounds of voting, the New York State Reliability Council Executive Committee approved a 22% IRM for 2024/25, up from 20% for the previous year.
NYISO’s new 10-year reliability plan finds no “actionable reliability needs,” but warns of narrowing reliability margins.
NYISO stakeholders gave final approval to rules for "internal controllable lines" and revisions to day-ahead market congestion settlement procedures.
NYISO will keep two natural gas peaker plants online past their planned 2025 retirements to solve a 446-MW shortfall in New York City.
NYISO will see improved transmission deliverability within its borders and with PJM this winter but reduced interchange with ISO-NE, stakeholders were told.
NYISO members approved new rules for ambient line ratings and HVDC lines.
The New York State Reliability Council OK'd interconnection standards for inverter-based resources larger than 20 MW.
Friends, co-workers and others who had known Brad Jones recalled his memory after his sudden death.
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