September 28, 2024


The New York Independent System Operator Inc., a not-for-profit regional transmission owner, is responsible for operating New York's bulk electrical grid, administering the state's wholesale electricity markets, maintaining grid stability, and ensuring the reliability and planning of the state's bulk energy system.
NYISO: Software Upgrades for DER Participation to be Ready Next Month
NYISO responded to FERC's questions concerning its filing related to establishing DER aggregation in the ISO's markets.
NY Creates Coordinated Grid Planning Process
The New York Public Service Commission approved the state’s first-ever Coordinated Grid Planning Process.
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NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Aug. 16, 2023
NYISO's BIC meeting reported on the past month's operations, recommended the approval of tariff revisions related to capital rebalancing, and informed stakeholders about a shake-up in the market design team.
NYPSC Seeks FERC Rehearing on NYISO’s 17-Year Amortization
The New York Public Service Commission asked FERC to again rule on its order accepting NYISO's 17-year amortization period proposal for calculating the annual costs for hypothetical fossil fuel plants.
Department of Energy Draft Needs Study
States, RTOs Caution DOE on Transmission Corridors
States, RTOs and others warned DOE not to let transmission developers dominate the development of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.
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NYISO ‘Still Digesting’ FERC Order 2023
NYISO gave initial comments and reactions to FERC Order 2023, but remained reluctant to divulge too much during its TPAS meeting.
NYPA Taking to the Skies with Expanded Drone Fleet
The New York Power Authority is greatly expanding its unmanned aerial vehicle program.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: July 26, 2023
NYISO's Management Committee voted to not conduct another cost-of-service study to update rate schedule 1 allocations, while CEO Rich Dewey announced the ISO would search for a replacement for Ave M. Bie.
NYISO Addresses NYC Near-Term Reliability Need
NYISO addressed stakeholder questions in a statement it released about the predicted near-term reliability shortfall in New York City, and potentially statewide.
D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
DC Circuit Asked Again to Rule on NYISO’s 17-Year Amortization
The New York PSC petitioned the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to review FERC's approval of NYISO's proposal to use a 17-year amortization period for setting its cost of new entry.

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