PJM Board of Managers
Groups opposing FirstEnergy's plan to win subsidies from Ohio regulators asked FERC to again intervene in the dispute.
Joe Bowring and David Patton often disagree, but they are 100% in agreement on the need for independence in market monitoring.
Bowring’s allegations at a FERC technical conference in 2007 that PJM attempted to muzzle his internal market monitoring unit shook the RTO to its roots.
State consumer advocates (members of CAPS) pressed the PJM board to change Capacity Performance rules to allow more participation by seasonal resources.
Retiring PJM board members Jean Kinsey and Richard Lahey marked their final Annual Meeting with reminiscences.
A summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the Members Committee on Thursday during the PJM Annual Meeting.
The PJM Nominating Committee is recommending Dean Oskvig and Mark Takahashi for election to the Board of Managers.
2015 was a year of change for PJM, which said goodbye to CEO Terry Boston and ushered in its new Capacity Performance product.
The PJM board approved construction of seven transmission projects proposed in response to FERC Order 1000 competitive solicitations.
PJM asked FERC to approve cost responsibilities for $687 million in transmission upgrades included in a revised RTEP.
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