PJM Board of Managers

Traders: PJM Delay, Secret Support Could Result in Pa. Tax
PJM financial traders say they fear that Pennsylvania lawmakers may target them in efforts to close the state’s budget gap.
Traders: PJM Delay Could Mean Pa. Tax; RTO Denies Supporting Levy
PJM financial traders say they fear that Pennsylvania lawmakers may tax virtual transactions in efforts to close the state’s budget gap.
Consumer Advocates Push PJM Board to Increase Inclusiveness
At the PJM Annual Meeting, consumer advocates and environmental groups urged the RTO's Board of Managers to do more to engage end-use customers.
Board Restarts Artificial Island Tx Project; Seeks Cost Allocation Fix
The PJM Board of Managers ordered a resumption of the Artificial Island transmission project but directed the development of alternative cost allocations.
PJM Analysis on Artificial Island Project Delayed Again
PJM announced that its comprehensive analysis and recommended solution for issues related to Artificial Island won’t be ready until April.
PJM Board OKs $260M in Tx Projects
The PJM Board of Managers approved the RTO's 2016 Regional Transmission Expansion Plan which includes $260M in transmission projects.
PJM OKs $636M in Tx Projects, Including its Largest Market Efficiency Proposal
The PJM Board OKd more than $636 million in transmission projects, including a $320 million market efficiency project — its largest ever
OPSI Urges PJM to Preserve Role for Demand Response
OPSI has adopted a resolution urging PJM to instruct staff to develop market rules that encourage the participation of demand response in the RTO's markets.
PJM Board Halts Artificial Island Project, Orders Staff Analysis
The PJM Board of Managers has suspended the controversial Artificial Island transmission project, pending a staff analysis.
Clean Energy Advocates Appeal FERC’s Capacity Performance Rulings
Environmental groups asked the D.C. Circuit Court to review FERC rulings on the PJM Capacity Performance model, saying model limits renewables and DR.

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