PJM Operating Committee (OC)
PJM credited emergency procedures with improving generator performance during a pair of winter storms in January, including a new all-time winter peak of 145,060 MW.
The Operating Committee endorsed revisions to Manual 13: Emergency Operations to add protocols for PJM and transmission owners to monitor and coordinate necessary actions when wildfires may disrupt infrastructure.
The PJM Operating Committee endorsed a pair of manual revisions, updating definitions to be more clear and approving a quick fix proposal.
The annual winter study conducted by the Operations Assessment Task Force found no identified reliability risks for the 2024/25 season.
The first biennial test of voltage-reduction capability was a success, PJM told the Operating Committee during its meeting.
The Operating Committee discussed PJM’s timeline for addressing technological and operational challenges the RTO plans to address over the next four years.
PJM's Operating Committee heard that the transmission upgrades needed to allow the retirement of Indian River Unit 4 could be complete by the end of 2025
PJM presented its Operating Committee with a set of revisions to Manual 12 regarding fuel assurance requirements for black start resources.
PJM presented its 2024 summer study to the Operating Committee, saying preliminary figures show the region has adequate reserves to maintain reliability even as reserve margins tighten relative to recent years.
PJM plans to open a solicitation window for black start service after the June 2023 request-for-proposal window did not yield fuel-assured black start generation for some transmission zones.
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