PJM Operating Committee (OC)
PJM's Operating Committee discussed low reserve response during a spin event in February and the possible impact April's solar eclipse could have on generation and load.
PJM spent $53.5 million on conservative, out-of-market dispatch procedures to maintain reliability during the January 2024 Winter Storm Gerri.
The PJM Operating Committee endorsed revisions to the TO/TOP Matrix delineating responsibilities between the RTO and its member transmission owners to reflect new NERC standards.
PJM reviewed comments it is jointly submitting with other RTOs on several proposed changes to EPA regulations during the Operating Committee meeting.
PJM reviewed changes in preparation for the winter season and urged generators to participate in Systems Operations Subcommittee calls ahead of storms.
PJM's Operating Committee recommended high winter weekly reserve target values due to the inclusion of data from December 2022’s Winter Storm Elliott.
PJM reported that synchronized reserve resource operators have reported several reasons for shortfalls in their response rates, including operating under a ruleset FERC rejected last year.
PJM's Operating Committee delayed a vote on manual revisions aimed at reducing the circumstances under which the RTO would provide advance notice of when it will be sharing confidential member information with third parties.
PJM discussed the response to the July heatwaves and proposed changes to manual language around how synchronized reserves are deployed during the Operating Committee meeting.
The PJM Operating Committee discussed the roadmap for a slate of manual revisions related to its interconnection queue overhaul, with the next step being endorsement at the MRC.
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