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FERC may have a role in regulating hydrogen pipelines — and not everyone thinks that's a good idea.
Coaltrain Energy agreed to pay $4 million in disgorged profits to resolve a FERC investigation into accusations that the company engaged in market manipulation.
Gov. Glenn Youngkin is doubling down on his efforts to bring the nation’s first commercial small modular nuclear reactor to abandoned coalfields in Virginia.
The Southeast Energy Exchange Market is set to begin operations on Nov. 9 despite an ongoing legal challenge from environmental groups.
The Supreme Court’s ruling on EPA's regulation of GHG emissions will chill agency rulemakings but won't cripple regulation, attorneys told an EBA forum.
New Jersey pension funds would be forced to divest from the largest 200 publicly traded fossil fuel companies under a controversial new bill.
Kevin Phillips, CC0 1.0 Universal
Proposed Local Law 97 rules would establish reduction timelines, lay out a credits program, and set emissions reporting methodologies for large buildings.
TVA received a voucher from the Dept. of Energy’s Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear to study future sites to deploy advanced nuclear reactors.
The $50 million program selected six real estate partnerships to help implement advanced heat and water housing technologies in high-rises across New York.
The Texas Public Commission honored interim ERCOT CEO Brad Jones’ tenure, showering him with praise and political recognition.
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