New England state regulators ended up split over the ISO-NE CASPR proposal — yet seemingly united in their dismay over the RTO’s stakeholder process.
Although electric utilities will see their tax rate fall from 35% to 21% under the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, few are making plans to spend their savings.
ISO-NE will open the new year with a NEPOOL vote on its Competitive Auctions with Sponsored Policy Resources (CASPR) concept.
The Dominion Energy bid to win state subsidies for its Millstone nuclear plant took a hit as consultants said the plant is likely to remain profitable.
Speakers at the Connecticut Power & Energy Society’s Future of Energy Conference talked about how the state is planning for climate change.
The nine states comprising RGGI have agreed to accelerate reductions in emissions by lowering the annual allowances by 30% over 10 years.
NARUC President John W. “Jack” Betkoski III called for more transparency at the NEPOOL and said he plans to focus his tenure on the “water-energy nexus.”
Connecticut regulators got an earful at a public comment session on the future of Dominion Energy’s Millstone nuclear plant.
Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy ordered state regulators to assess the economic viability of the Millstone nuclear power plant.
Illinois and New York state officials filed briefs citing a recent 2nd Circuit decision in defense of their zero-emission credits for nuclear plants.
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