The D.C. Circuit upheld a Connecticut law that requires utilities to enter into contracts with renewable energy facilities.
The Millstone nuclear power plant has earned at least $3 billion in profits for Dominion since the company bought it, according to a study.
Connecticut legislators unveiled a bill that would put the state’s only nuclear power generator on equal footing with renewable energy resources.
Connecticut legislators held a hearing to gather input on a bill that would support Dominion's Millstone nuclear plant.
Connecticut has selected 25 small scale renewables projects totaling 402 MW to negotiate PPAs with the state’s two electric distribution companies.
This week's state briefs include news on California, Connecticut, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey and others.
A federal appeals court has halted the award of clean energy contracts sought by three New England states while it considers an appeal filed by Allco.
This week's state briefs include news on Arizona, Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, North Dakota and other states.
New England states will negotiate with developers of six renewable power projects totaling 460 MW in the next phase of their effort to procure clean energy.
This week's state briefs include news on Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Nebraska, New York and other states.
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