
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on California, Connecticut, Idaho, Iowa, Massachusetts and Ohio.
Md. Balks at Proposed Emission Cuts as RGGI States Ponder Future
RGGI reported another lackluster carbon allowance auction last week, bolstering calls by Mass. and others for more aggressive cuts in the compact’s emission caps.
Court Asked to Force FERC Action on Disputed ISO-NE Capacity Auction
Plaintiffs asked a federal appellate court to force FERC to rule on the legality of the ISO-NE eighth Forward Capacity Auction.
Cybersecurity Rules Urged for Distribution Companies
Regulators urged their colleagues at the NARUC summer conference to join them in developing cybersecurity rules for electric distribution companies.
State Briefs
Report Cites Emissions Drop in Nine-State RGGI A new report by the Acadia Center says that carbon emissions in the nine-state Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiat...
Exelon’s Constellation to Buy Con Ed’s Retail Operation
Exelon is buying the Consolidated Edison (Con Ed) retail energy business as it continues its efforts to hedge against falling wholesale power prices.
FERC Rejects Enforcement Action in Connecticut PURPA Dispute
FERC declined to begin an enforcement action under PURPA on behalf of Allco Finance and its unit Windham Solar in Connecticut.
Panel: New England Will Meet CPP Goals Regardless of Court Outcome
New England states are moving ahead with their own greenhouse gas reduction programs while EPA’s Clean Power Plan remains in legal limbo.
Overheard at the NECA Environmental Conference
At the Northeast Energy and Commerce Association (NECA) Annual Environmental Conference last week, panelists discussed the presidential election.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Arizona, California, Connecticut, Maine, Michigan, Missouri and other states.

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