
Duke Energy
Duke Spending Big to Meet Increasing Load Growth in the Late 2020s
Duke Energy’s leadership changed the guard during its first-quarter earnings call as retiring CEO Lynn Good and her replacement, Harry Sideris, split the presentation. 
Duke Energy
Duke Reports on Hurricanes’ Impact, SMR Plans in Q3 Earnings
Duke Energy reported third-quarter earnings of $1.226 billion ($1.60/share), a dip of about 15% from the same period in 2023, as its utility territories were hit by three hurricanes.
Energy United
Helene Repair Efforts Could Last Weeks for Hardest Hit, Remote Areas
While most customers have seen their power restored since Hurricane Helene hit, some of the hardest hit and most remote customers could wait weeks to get their lights back.
Duke Energy
Duke Energy Executives Discuss Demand Growth on Q2 Earnings Call
Duke Energy executives highlighted how the return to load growth is impacting its utilities during its second-quarter earnings call with analysts. 
U.S. Energy Association
ESSC To-do List: Labor Shortage, Forest Management, Transformers
The Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council is discussing how the industry can deploy newfound federal funding to accelerate the energy transition.
FERC Tech Conference Highlights Regulatory Gaps on Transmission Oversight
FERC's technical conference highlighted gaps between the commission, state regulators and RTOs in their oversight of transmission planning.
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Solar Advocates Cheer Florida Net Metering Win, Brace for Next Battle
Solar advocates celebrated the defeat of a Florida bill that would have phased out the state’s net metering program but warned the battle is far from over.
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Southern Co. Takes Heat over SEEM, Opposition to RTO
A Southern Co. official gamely defended the Southeast Energy Exchange Market in a debate at the RE+ Southeast conference with three RTO proponents.
Duke Energy
Duke Touts Clean Energy Progress, Strong Earnings in Q3
North Carolina law has upped the ante on utility carbon emissions reductions — requiring a 70% cut by 2030.
SACE Reports Record Year for EVs in Southeast
In a second annual progress report, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy said 2020 was a watershed year for electric vehicle growth in the Southeastern U.S.

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