
Energy United
Helene Repair Efforts Could Last Weeks for Hardest Hit, Remote Areas
While most customers have seen their power restored since Hurricane Helene hit, some of the hardest hit and most remote customers could wait weeks to get their lights back.
EPRI: Clean Energy, Efficiency Can Meet AI, Data Center Power Demand
The burgeoning power demand from data centers and artificial intelligence can be met by other means than new natural gas-fired power plants, according to a new report from the Electric Power Research Institute.
The Future of Natural Gas with Growing Demand and Climate Targets
A DOE report on resource adequacy says firms investing in natural gas capacity could be retrofitted with carbon capture and storage, or the ability to burn clean hydrogen.
Counterflow: Hair (and Pants) on Fire

The Washington Post’s warning that “America is running out of power” lacks context and distracts us from the real work at hand, says columnist Steve Huntoon.

House Energy and Commerce Committee
State Regulators Debate Reliability and Transmission at House Hearing
House members and their state regulator witnesses split over how much an expanded transmission grid could enable a reliable transition to a low-carbon future.
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Corporate Buyers Decry Renewable Caps in Southeast, Renew Call for Market
Utilities in the Southeast are cleaning up their generation fleets, but large consumers say the monopolies remain an obstacle to their decarbonization goals.
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Solar Advocates Cheer Florida Net Metering Win, Brace for Next Battle
Solar advocates celebrated the defeat of a Florida bill that would have phased out the state’s net metering program but warned the battle is far from over.
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Southern Co. Takes Heat over SEEM, Opposition to RTO
A Southern Co. official gamely defended the Southeast Energy Exchange Market in a debate at the RE+ Southeast conference with three RTO proponents.
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Overheard at Infocast Southeast Renewable Conference
About 300 regulators and industry representatives met at the Southeast Renewable Energy conference to discuss the region’s efforts to attract solar power.
SACE Reports Record Year for EVs in Southeast
In a second annual progress report, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy said 2020 was a watershed year for electric vehicle growth in the Southeastern U.S.

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