
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Vermont and Wisconsin.
FERC Launches Probe into MISO Capacity Auction
FERC has begun a non-public investigation over allegations of improprieties in MISO's April capacity auction and will hold a technical conference on the matter Oct. 20.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
PJM Transition Auction Means Reprieve for Exelon Nukes
Capacity Performance resources cleared at $151.50/MW-day in the transition auction for the 2017/18 delivery year, PJM said Wednesday.
IMEA Reaps Limited Relief from Capacity Rule Change
IMEA has been working with PJM staff all year to find a way to continue using external capacity to fulfill its internal resource requirements.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Arkansas, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania.
What’s Next for Exelon’s Nukes, AEP Merchant Fleet?
PJM generators — such as Exelon, Dynegy, NRG and PSEG — will earn $10.9 billion from this year’s capacity auction in the first test of the RTO’s new Capacity Performance requirements.
UPDATE: PJM Capacity Prices Up 37% to $165/MW-day
PJM's first capacity auction under its new no-excuses policy saw prices rise 37% to $164.77/MW-day in most of the RTO.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont.

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