September 29, 2024

North Carolina

Electricities of North Carolina
DC Circuit Upholds FERC on Duke-Muni Battery Dispute
The D.C. Circuit said a PPA between Duke Energy and 32 municipal utility customers allows the munis to use storage to reduce their capacity charges.
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Cooper Vetoes NC Bill Prohibiting Bans on Natural Gas Hookups
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed a bill that would have prohibited cities and counties from banning natural gas hookups in residential construction.
Duke and Solar Advocates Forge North Carolina Net Metering Agreement
A proposed agreement between Duke Energy and solar advocates would lower the net metering rate residential rooftop solar owners receive for their excess power.
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Renewable Advocates Troubled by Tradeoffs in N.C. Climate Bill
Renewable power advocates are concerned by concessions N.C. legislators made to utilities in return for the carbon-reduction goals of House Bill 951.
Duke Energy
Duke Touts Clean Energy Progress, Strong Earnings in Q3
North Carolina law has upped the ante on utility carbon emissions reductions — requiring a 70% cut by 2030.
Duke Energy
Potential for Green Hydrogen Hub in the Carolinas
The industrial revolution saw certain industries "cluster" regionally. Now, U.S. hydrogen advocates are talking about "hubs" in the same way.
Rocky Mountain Power
‘Connected Communities’ Get $61M in DOE Funding
PacifiCorp will receive $6.42 million in Department of Energy funding for a “connected communities” pilot project in Utah, one of 10 projects nationwide.
Duke Energy
New Era for Grid Planning in North Carolina?
As H951 sits on Gov. Cooper's desk, the NCUC continued its examination of Duke Energy's IRP with a session on the increasing complexity of grid planning.
Pine Gate Renewables
NC Compromise Energy Bill Passes Senate, Heads Back to House
A bill in the North Carolina legislature would authorize the Utilities Commission to “take all reasonable steps” to achieve a 70% reduction in carbon.
Duke Energy
NCUC Debates Best Path for Duke Coal Retirements
South Carolina sent the utility back to the drawing board for IRP revisions, while North Carolina looks to changes for Duke's 2022 IRP.

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