
NRC: Ground Settling Damaged Water Lines at Ohio Nuclear Plant
The NRC has begun to investigate ground settling incidents at the Davis-Besse nuclear plant, including two that damaged fire-protection water lines.
FERC Approves Removal of RTO Adder for AEP Ohio Cos.
FERC approved revised rate schedules for two American Electric Power affiliates in Ohio to remove their RTO participation adders.
FunksBrother, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Ohio PUC Opens 2021 Audit of OVEC Charges for Public Comment
Built by power companies for the DOD during the Cold War, Ohio Valley Electric Corp. is now part of a war fought by enviros against regulators, utilities.
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PJM Chief: Retirements Need to Slow down
PJM needs to slow the pace of generation retirements to avoid reliability problems by 2030, CEO Manu Asthana told the Electric Power Supply Association.
Ohio General Assembly
Householder Convicted in FirstEnergy Bribery Case
The former Ohio House Speaker was found guilty of racketeering conspiracy over donations FirstEnergy paid a dark money group controlled by him to win favors.
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FERC Approves Transmission Incentives for Dayton Power
FERC granted two sets of incentives to Dayton Power and Light for transmission upgrades across Ohio.
Ohio Law Amended to Declare Natural Gas a Form of ‘Green Energy’
Declaring natural gas green has been a goal of The Empowerment Alliance, an anonymously funded 501(c)(4) nonprofit founded in 2019 with Ohio roots.
Ohio General Assembly
FERC Fines FirstEnergy over Ohio Bribe Payments
FirstEnergy agreed to another federal fine, this time for lying to FERC auditors about its role in the Ohio bribery scheme to bail out nuclear plants.
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
PUCO Staff Clears AEP on June Load Sheds
Ohio regulators cleared AEP of wrongdoing in its response to storms that led to load sheds in June but said it should manage vegetation more aggressively.
Ohio House Declares Natural Gas ‘Green’ Energy
Ohio lawmakers, dominated by Republican majorities, OK'd legislation declaring green energy “includes energy generated by using natural gas as a resource.”

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