Demand Response
Ten transmission upgrades have been placed in service in New England since October, ISO-NE engineer Jon Breard told the RTO’s Planning Advisory Committee.
The PJM Market Implementation Committee heard a first read on a proposed change to the calculations for financial transmission rights forfeitures.
The Smart Energy Summit attracted industry representatives to Austin, Texas, to participate in workshops and panel discussions on new roles for utilities.
ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie said his concerns about New England’s ability to keep the lights on continue to grow despite enacted market rule changes.
Two groups petitioned FERC for a declaratory order regarding ISO-NE’s possible attempt to impact the eligibility of energy efficiency capacity resources.
PJM would be tasked with updating the testing rules for rarely dispatched DR resources under a problem statement and issue charge presented to members.
Massachusetts electricity suppliers won’t have trouble meeting the new mandate for serving sales with “clean peak” energy resources.
FERC approved PJM’s proposal to change how it measures seasonal demand response resources, rejecting a protest by the Independent Market Monitor.
NYISO must revise its rules governing the installation and reading of DR meters for participants in its Installed Capacity market, FERC ruled.
FERC approved PJM’s proposal to exclude atypically low usage winter peak days from load-serving entities’ winter peak load calculations.
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