September 30, 2024

Demand Response

DC Circuit Rejects Challenge to PJM CP Rules
The DC Circuit Court of Appeals denied eight challenges to PJM’s Capacity Performance rules, potentially cementing changes to the RTO's capacity market.
CAISO Finalizes Rules for DR, Distributed Generation
CAISO finalized a set of updates to its demand response and distributed generation policies, saying there is strong stakeholder support for the new rules.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs
The PJM Market Implementation Committee approved a problem statement to analyze potential changes in how energy efficiency resources participate in markets.
CAISO Recounts Tense Hours Leading to May 3 Emergency
A CAISO operations shift manager recounted how and why the ISO declared its first Stage 1 emergency in 10 years on May 3.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs
Whether energy efficiency should be allowed in the capacity market drew heated debate on two issues at the PJM Market Implementation Committee meeting.
CAISO Proposes Rules for Distributed Resources, Storage
CAISO is moving forward with an initiative meant to ease the integration of energy storage and distributed resources into its markets.
NYPSC Order Seeks to Refine, Standardize DR Programs
The New York Public Service Commission (NY PSC) voted to maintain current incentive payment rates for utilities’ demand response programs through 2017.
PJM Outlines Aggregation Rules for Upcoming Capacity Auction
PJM staff detailed how the new rules for aggregating seasonal resources will be implemented in May’s Base Residual Auction.
FERC Staff OKs PJM Aggregation, DR Rules; Refunds Possible
FERC staff have greenlit PJM’s proposed Tariff revisions to allow increased participation from seasonal resources.
Opposition to Va. Tx Line May Trigger Unintended Consequences
PJM's response to the delay of a transmission line to maintain reliability near Jamestown, Va., may lead to increased costs to ratepayers.

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