Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

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ERCOT TAC Opens Discussion on Proposed RTC Changes
ERCOT stakeholders have begun discussions on a pair of protocol revision requests related to the grid operator’s real-time co-optimization and battery project, set to go live in December.
2 Companies Withdraw Texas Energy Fund Projects from Consideration
Two energy companies have withdrawn projects from the Texas Energy Fund, citing equipment procurement constraints that will keep them from meeting a December 2025 deadline.
Energy Innovation: US Needs New Approach to Grid Reliability
To build a reliable, affordable and clean electric power system, the U.S. energy industry and customers will need to shift their thinking about what a reliable system looks like, according to a study from nonprofit think tank Energy Innovation Policy & Technology.
Nicholas Institute, Duke University
US Grid Has Flexible ‘Headroom’ for Data Center Demand Growth
A new study from Duke University says the existing power system could handle much of the demand growth expected in the coming years with no additional generation if artificial intelligence data centers can be persuaded to cut their energy use by as little as 1% during times of peak demand.
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Overheard at USEA State of the Energy Industry Forum 2025
Participants at the United States Energy Association’s 2025 State of the Energy Industry Forum discussed topics such as demand growth, nuclear fusion and energy efficiency.
FERC Permits 2030 Finish Date for MISO Order 2222 Compliance
FERC accepted MISO’s second try at Order 2222 compliance, allowing MISO time to prepare through mid-2029 before it fully accepts aggregators of distributed energy resources into its markets in 2030.
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OMS Stresses Need for Data Coordination Under Order 2222; MISO Extends DER Task Force
The Organization of MISO States advised MISO that it needs a central data-sharing platform for the participation of DER aggregators in its wholesale market.
CPS Energy
ERCOT Finds Little Interest in MRAs for San Antonio Units
ERCOT’s request for must-run alternatives for cost-effective solutions to the congestion problems in San Antonio did not receive any responses by a Dec. 30 deadline, putting the solicitation in serious doubt. 
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Voltus Hires Its 2nd Former FERC Chair in Chatterjee
Former FERC Chair Neil Chatterjee is joining Voltus, where he will advise the firm as it engages in the implementation of Order 2222, which was issued under his chairmanship at the regulator.
OMS Survey: Another 1-GW Jump in DERs in MISO Footprint
By the Organization of MISO States’ count, MISO is up to nearly 13.6 GW of distributed energy resources in the footprint.

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