Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
Exelon reported a positive first quarter to investors and analysts, a result of increased rates and revenue from its regulated utilities.
ERCOT’s board sides with staff over a rule change that gives the ISO the authority to review, coordinate and approve or deny all planned generation outages.
The RE+ Texas conference drew hundreds of renewable energy experts to the state that leads in wind production and may soon lead in solar energy too.
ISO-NE's Order 2222 compliance filing has been criticized by environmental groups and renewable advocates who say it fails to meet the goals laid out by FERC.
SPP stakeholders have rejected a recommendation to stick with the status quo when it comes to adding counterflow optimization to the congestion-hedging process.
Some 67 GW of energy storage sitting in ERCOT’s interconnection queue poses a problem regulators and developers are working to address.
ISO-NE updated NEPOOL on its proposal to change the interconnection jurisdiction for DERs and compliance with FERC Order 881.
MISO is seeking final stakeholder opinions before it makes an April filing to comply with FERC’s directive that RTOs open wholesale markets to DER aggregations.
The ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group discussed FERC Order 2222, the New England Clean Energy Connect and January's tough weather for grid conditions.
DER industry advocates at the RE+ Northeast conference said there's room, and time, for improvement on ISO-NE's Order 2222 filing with FERC.
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