Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

New England’s Duck Curve Days Chart Solar Growth
The phenomenon known as the duck curve is becoming increasingly common in New England, a sign that the solar energy is growing rapidly in the region.
Rich LaSalle / TVA
TVA Defends Rates, CO2 Reduction Plans in House Inquiry
TVA stands behind its emissions goals, renewable plans and rates after questioning from the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce.
MISO: DER Aggregations Must Wait Until 2030 for Market Participation
MISO says that aggregations of distributed energy resources lining up for its wholesale markets must wait until the end of the decade before gaining entry.
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Tx Fault Could Trip Thousands of MWs of DERs, ISO-NE Study Says
An ISO-NE study warned that DERs with older inverters that don't allow them to ride through faults could trip during high solar output and low demand.
SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs: Jan. 10-11, 2022
SPP stakeholders endorsed the RTO’s latest transmission planning assessment but also withheld approval of a 345-kV, double-circuit project in West Texas.
Advanced Power Alliance
MISO Walks Back Size Limit on DER Aggregations
MISO this week removed a 10-MW size limit on aggregations of distributed energy resources from its Order 2222 compliance proposal.
Energix Renewable Energies
Can Youngkin Stop Clean Energy Growth in Virginia?
Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin shook clean energy advocates with his controversial nomination of Andrew Wheeler to be Virginia’s secretary of natural resources.
Vineyard Wind
ISO-NE, States Seek to Build on ‘Alignment’ Efforts
Resource adequacy concerns and market rules and transmission infrastructure to support state clean energy policies highlight the issues facing ISO-NE in 2022.
Canadian Coast Guard
NYISO ICAP/MIWG Briefs: Dec. 14, 2021
The ICAP/MIWG discussed rising energy prices, Order 2222 compliance, dynamically scheduling reserves and keeping critical infrastructure out of DR programs.
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Overheard at gridCONNEXT 2021
Attendees of GridWise Alliance’s gridCONNEXT were upbeat as they heard about a high-tech future in which everything is electrified, digitized and clean.

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