Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
The NEPOOL Markets Committee approved ISO-NE’s proposed compliance filing to implement FERC Order 2222.
NYISO presented stakeholders with updates on its Grid in Transition initiative and a 2022 Master Plan for managing the changes to market rules.
The California Public Utilities Commission approved proposals to head off capacity shortfalls in summer 2022 and 2023, including increasing demand response.
ISO-NE presented to the PAC its scope of work and modeling assumptions for its 2050 Transmission Study.
With a filing due Nov. 19, NYISO presented stakeholders its draft responses to FERC’s data request regarding its Order 2222 compliance.
Two key components of the decarbonized grid of the future — DERs, and clean firm power — were the topics of two panels at the two-day ACORE Grid Forum.
FERC approved a settlement between Southern California Edison and opponents that reduces potential costs and smooths the way for battery interconnections.
Advanced Energy Economy on Tuesday hosted a panel of industry experts and regulators who evaluated the progress of RTOs/ISOs toward Order 2222 compliance.
The Environmental Business Council of New England gathered industry experts to discuss solar market trends playing out in Maine and Massachusetts.
MISO will use its electric storage resource participation model as the basis for DER aggregation participation, scrapping an earlier plan.
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