Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
The electrification of trucking fleets will require utilities to adopt smart grid technologies and design new rates, panelists said during a SEPA panel.
PJM stakeholders endorsed tariff language revisions to exclude the right of first refusal process from evaluation of non-firm transmission service requests.
MISO said it will probably use its existing affected system study as a model to study interconnecting DER aggregations under FERC Order 2222.
ISO-NE presented its revised Order 2222 compliance proposal to the NEPOOL Markets Committee, including changes to EAS market participation and more.
Investor-owned utilities and energy service companies in New York made recommendations on community choice aggregation rules.
NRDC delivered a presentation on energy efficiency participation in NYISO's ICAP markets, urging it be mentioned in a July 19 FERC Order 2222 compliance filing.
The Texas PUC has ordered ERCOT to waive its protocols and disclose generator-outage data three days after an outage, rather than the standard 60 days.
MISO is seeking a near-term pathway for hybrid resources in its markets while it works on a permanent participation model for storage-renewable combinations.
A growing interest in grid flexibility looks beyond demand management to accommodate and balance distributed generation and loads.
NYISO discussed its plans to comply with FERC Order 2222 with stakeholders ahead of a July 19 compliance filing deadline.
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