October 2, 2024

Energy Storage

PJM MIC Briefs: Jan. 8, 2020
PJM’s Monitor said recently approved maintenance adders to the synchronized reserve calculation allow resources to increase offers above competitive levels.
New York Advanced Clean Energy Goals in 2019
New York started 2019 around renewable energy and quickened the pace of the most ambitious decarbonization goals in the country.
MISO to Continue Adapting to Resource Shift in 2020
MISO spent much of 2019 preparing for a massive shift to renewable resources — and 2020 will herald much the same, RTO executives say.
ERCOT Market Adjusting to ‘The New Normal’
In 2019, ERCOT withstood extreme heat and loss of wind power during some of the hottest days to meet multiple demand peaks exceeding the previous year.
FERC Partially Accepts NYISO Storage Compliance
FERC partially accepted NYISO’s plan to comply with a mandate that RTOs and ISOs develop rules to provide storage resources full access to their markets.
NEPOOL Transmission Committee Briefs: Dec. 17, 2019
NEPOOL focused on how to apply transmission charges to a storage resource when it is charging for later resale and not providing a service.
NERC Sees Opportunities, Challenges in Grid Evolution
“Significant and rapid change” will cause challenges with resource adequacy, but utilities can turn the evolving resource mix to their advantage.
CAISO’s 2020 Vision Anticipates Big Change
CAISO will have its work cut out in 2020, with a dozen major policy initiatives moving forward as well as heading off predicted electricity shortfalls.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Dec. 10-11, 2019
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee continued its crammed schedule to complete ISO-NE's Energy Security Improvements proposal.
Batteries Will Have Their Day in MISO, Experts Say
Energy storage systems will inevitably take hold in MISO as costs decline, but the outlook for technologies outside lithium-ion batteries is less certain.

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